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Doctor’s salary. How to increase salary for a physician by 10 times, making the right resume

Do doctors in Russia make good money? Ask this question and you will get exactly the opposite answers. Someone gets 20 thousand, someone 10-15 times more. Where does such a “fork” come from in doctors’ earnings? How to find a place where you will be paid from 100 thousand rubles? And what role does a well-written resume play in this?

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the average salary of a metropolitan doctor reached 134 thousand rubles. Sobyanin’s statement was severely criticized by doctors. Real data show that the average salary of a doctor in Moscow is almost half what the mayor claims. Nevertheless, there are vacancies with salaries of 300-500 thousand rubles.

If we take Russia as a whole, then the gap in doctors’ salaries will be even more significant. After a 6 percent indexation, the average salary of doctors in the Russian Federation, according to Rosstat, is 78,400 rubles, with a run-up in the subjects of the federation from 20,000 to 110,000!

For a doctor from the region, not only the salaries of American doctors (according to Medscape, the average salary of a doctor in the United States exceeded $ 294,000 per year) seem to be sky-high, but also those of his Moscow colleagues. And in Moscow, the difference between doctors’ salaries can reach a whole order of magnitude: from 50 thousand to half a million.

The profession of a doctor belongs to those spheres of employment where incomes are variable and depend on many factors. By changing jobs, a Russian physician can increase his income 2, 3, 5, and more times!

What does a doctor’s salary depend on?

The difference in doctors’ salaries depends on several factors:

  • Medical specialty. Thus, the highest salaries (300-500 thousand rubles and more) in Russia are noted in cardio- and neurosurgery, plastic surgery (in the USA, anesthesiologists receive the most, followed by surgeons). Among the most “expensive” vacancies on the Russian labor market at the moment are offered for a reproductive physician (up to 600 thousand rubles). An embryologist is offered up to 400 thousand rubles, a dermatocosmetologist – up to 300 thousand, an orthopedic dentist – up to 200 thousand.

Changing a major after many years of work is not easy. The difference in salaries of physicians of different specialties should first of all draw the attention of young people choosing a professional path. However, some areas allow, even in adulthood, to move to “subcontractors”, to significantly increase income – for example, a dentist-therapist can become an implantologist or orthopedist, a gynecologist – a reproductologist.

  • The clinic is famous. In the private sector, salaries are higher, although this rule is not one hundred percent. Nevertheless, practically all the most “expensive” vacancies in the labor market – for reproductive specialists, dermatocosmetologists, dentists, venereologists – are offered by private clinics. But for surgeons, the maximum professional and financial growth in Russia is promised by large state centers (which also provide paid services, for example, in the field of orthopedics).

Many doctors combine work in public and private medical institutions. This allows not only to increase income but also to diversify the risks associated with job loss.

  • Region. Place of work affects the average earnings of doctors not only in Russia. For example, in the United States, with average earnings of $ 7.1 per hour, there are states where this figure reaches $ 10.5 (in New York, Washington, California, etc.).

In Russia, the regional “run-up” in salaries is much more significant: several times. For example, in the Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, the average salary of a physician is 103,125 rubles. and 109,440 rubles. respectively, in Moscow – 70,000 rubles. (according to Sergei Sobyanin – 134,000 rubles), in St. Petersburg – 53,540 rubles, in Ivanovo – 31,600 rubles, and in Volgograd – only 21,300 rubles.

Thus, in Russia, moving to an economically more prosperous region promises to increase salaries by 2-5 times. Besides, the concentration of private clinics and prestigious medical centers in Moscow and large cities is higher, which means there are more chances of finding a good job.

  • Professional level. Increasing coefficients for the qualification category, academic degree, honorary titles are added to the salary of doctors. But the authority of a physician gives much more beneficial due to the development of professional connections – there are more chances of getting a job in a prestigious institution, as well as earning money in the private sector due to the flow of patients.

Reputable doctors do not need to look for work – she looks for them herself: they receive individual offers from medical institutions.

  • Workload. Unfortunately, high incomes often mean a significant workload for the doctor. So, criticizing Sergei Sobyanin’s statement in the media and social networks, Moscow doctors massively note that the declared level of 134 thousand rubles is sometimes earned due to a load of 2-2.5 shifts.

There are two ways to increase income: extensive and intensive. You can take extra workload – or try to find a job that will pay more per hour.

  • The policy of the medical institution. Doctors who complain about low wages constantly point to the abuse of the administration, to write bonuses and allowances depending on the will of the head physician. And vice versa: there are medical facilities where the administration practices a fair system of motivation.

If you think that the head physician is abusing his position, you can deal with his complaints … or find a job where you will be appreciated and respected. The choice is yours.

Building Relationships with Physicians | True North Custom

How can a doctor increase his demand on the labor market?

To summarize, here are the factors that will help a doctor find a job with a good salary:

  1. Improve your qualifications, build authority and professional connections. This profession is one of those where experience is valued. This means that finding a good place with an excellent specialist increases over the years. This is one of the advantages of the profession. Create a name. Save up intellectual assets.
  2. Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. Until you create a name for yourself, don’t expect to be overwhelmed with great deals. Monitor the labor market, apply for vacancies, do not be afraid to look for a new job.
  3. Track the dynamics of salaries in your field. This will allow you not to get bogged down in a swamp of comfort for many years, being content with a low salary. The main thing is that information about the earnings of more successful colleagues does not provoke envy but stimulates personal development. Strive for higher earnings!
  4. Improve mobility. Create a financial cushion so that you can move to another region if there are attractive career prospects.
  5. Write a compelling resume so the potential employer understands that such an employee should not be missed!

How can a doctor write a compelling resume?

We have already written about the rules for compiling a doctor’s resume, so now we will emphasize the most important aspect: your resume should convey to the employer the idea that you are exactly the specialist that the clinic needs.

Director of the Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow City Health Department, David Melik-Guseinov, answering the question of how a doctor can earn 135, 200, 300 thousand rubles or more, gave the following examples: you have to solve problems the head physician, improving the performance of the medical institution, reducing the number of complaints, increasing the efficiency of resource use. For a private clinic, and for a state one, the influx of patients is important. Many medical institutions are interested in hiring specialists who know innovative medical techniques and who know how to work with the latest medical equipment.

Your resume should answer the following questions:

  • How will you be useful to the employer?
  • How can you improve the image of a medical institution, increase its profit?
  • Why should you be hired by this clinic?

Create a competent, convincing, “selling” resume, which will include an offer – an offer that is beneficial for the employer. Answer yourself: for what to pay you 100 or 300 thousand rubles? If you have an answer to this question – reflect it in your resume and a good place will be yours!

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Selena Winters

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